
Rhodes>ISER>People >Visiting Professors>Prof. Tabitha Wagithi Kiriti-Nganga, PhD in Economics Gender and Agriculture (Brisbane)

 Image Prof Nganga

Tabitha Kiriti Nganga is a Visiting Fellow at the University of Oxford and is a Professor of Economics in the Department of Economics and Development Studies at the University of Nairobi specializing in International Trade, Gender, Poverty and Food Security. She is the Coordinator of UNCTAD Virtual Institute and the Chair of the WTO Chairs Program in the University of Nairobi. She is also a member of the National Consultative Committee Trade Facilitation, National Consultative Committee on Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT), National Consultative Committee on University Education, Chair of the Post Graduate Studies Committee in the Department of Economics and Development Studies and a member of the Post Graduate Studies Committee in the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences at the University of Nairobi. Tabitha is Senior Fellow in the Pan African Scientific Research Council. She has done extensive research, has authored and co-authored papers in trade, food security, poverty, gender and women studies, advocacy, social protection, gender-based violence, affirmative action, education and health. She has held trade, poverty, food security, 2 gender, advocacy training workshops not only at the local level but also at the regional and international levels. She has consulted with FAO, UNITAR, AERC, UNCTAD, UNWOMEN, IDRC, World Bank, UNDP, African Economic Research Consortium, (AERC), Institute for Economic Affairs (IEA), Institute for Policy Analysis and Research (IPAR), Society for International Development (SID), United Nations Department of Economics and Social Affairs (UNDESA), UNCRD, UNCTAD Virtual Institute, Public Sector Reforms and Performance Contracting in Prime Minister’s Office. Ministry of Regional Development Authorities, African Women Studies Centre (AWSC), UNCTAD, Insurance Regulatory Authority (IRA), Agriculture, Fisheries and Food Authority (AFFA), CYTONN, EPZA, UNES, ICTSD, CETRAD, Dedan Kimathi University, Karatina University, government ministries, department and agencies among others. She is currently a mentor of the Global Value Chairs Phase 2 project at the AERC and a Visiting Research Fellow at Oxford University, Department of Economics: Centre for the Study of African Economies. She has been recognized by the Vice Chancellor as the best in performance contract in the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences in March 2022 and in December 2022. She attained her PhD from the University of Queensland in Australia, a Diploma in Legal Instruments of International Economic Relations and Regional Integration from the University of Barcelona, an MA degree in Economics from the University of Nairobi and a bachelor’s degree in education with specific focus on Economics and Business Studies from the same University

Last Modified: Mon, 19 Feb 2024 09:15:18 SAST