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Effect of laundry activities on in-stream concentrations of linear alkylbenzene sulfonate in a small rural South African river.
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Gordon AK, Blatch GL, Daniel S and Muller WJ. 2008.
Stress protein responses in South African freshwater invertebrates exposed to detergent surfactant linear alkylbenzene sulfonate (LAS).
Water, Air and Soil Pollution, 193, 123-130.


Slaughter AR, Palmer CG and Muller WJ. 2008.
A chronic toxicity test protocol using Caridina nilotica (Decapodea: Atyidae) and the generation of salinity toxicity data.
African Journal of Aquatic Science, 33, 37-44.


Slaughter AR, Palmer CG, Muller WJ. 2007.
An assessment of Two-Step Linear Regression and Multifactor Probit Analysis as alternatives to Acute to Chronic Ratios in the estimation of chronic response from acute toxocity data to derive water quality guidelines.
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Villet MH, Mackenzie B, Muller WJ. 2006.
Larval development of the carrion-breeding flesh fly, Sarcophaga (Liosarcophaga) tibialis Macquart (Diplera: Sarcophagidae), at constant temperatures.
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Palmer CG, Rossouw N, Muller WJ, Scherman P-A. 2005.
The development of water quality methods within ecological Reserve assessments, and links to environmental flows.
Water SA(31)161-170.


Kefford BJ, Dalton A, Palmer CG, Nugegoda D. 2004.
The salinity tolerance of eggs and hatchlings of selected aquatic macroinvertebrates in south-east Australia and South Africa.
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Kefford BJ, Palmer CG, Pakhomova L & Nugegoda D. 2004.
Comparing test systems to measure the salinity tolerance of freshwater invertebrates.
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Palmer CG, Muller WJ, Gordon AK, Scherman P-A, Davies-Coleman HD, Pakhomova L & De Kock E. 2004.
The development of a toxicity data-base using freshwater macroinvertebrates, and its application to South African water resources.
South African Journal of Science(100) 643-649.


Palmer CG, Williams ML & Gordon AK. 2003.
Riverine macroinvertebrate responses to chlorine and chlorinated sewage effluents - Community structure in the Umsunduze and Umbilo Rivers, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa.
Water SA(29) 473-481.


Scherman P-A, Muller WJ & Palmer CG. 2003.
Links between ecotoxicology, biomonitoring and water chemistry in the integration of water quality into environmental flow assessments.
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Williams ML, Palmer CG & Gordon AK. 2003.
Riverine macroinvertebrate responses to chlorine and chlorinated sewage effluents - Acute chlorine tolerances of Baetis harrisoni (Ephemeroptera) from two rivers in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa.
Water SA(29) 483-488.


Palmer CG & Jang SW. 2002.
The classification system of river rehabilitation for environmental water quality management.
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Palmer CG, Jang S, Choi G & Shim M. 2002.
Integrating flow, river structure and water quality in setting goals for river health.
Proceeding of Korean Water Resources Association. 220 Kung-Dong, Yusung-Ku, Daejon, 305-744, Korea.


Lewis MRM, Murrell HC, Jermy CA & Palmer CG. 2001.
On measuring roughness.
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Musvasva E, Williams KA, Muller WJ & Villet MH. 2001.
Preliminary observations on the effects of hydrocortisone and sodium methohexital on development of Sarcophaga (Curranea) tibialis Macquart (Diptera: Sarcophagidae) and implications for estimating post mortem interval.
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Last Modified: Fri, 21 Aug 2015 10:13:34 SAST