

Hall Values

We, the students and staff of Lillian Ngoyi Hall, inspired by the values personified by Ma Ngoyi, acknowledge the challenges facing us as a diverse academic community.

Living and learning together, we will strive to create an environment that promotes the realisation of each individual's full potential by valuing comradeship, perseverance and leadership through service above material gain and personal reward and by recognising the fundamental equality and dignity of all our residents.

Founded on the principles of strength, love and courage, we pledge to infuse a spirit of engagement, responsibility and service in our community.

Working together, motivated by the sacrifices made by Lillian Ngoyi, Victoria Mxenge, Ruth First & Joe Slovo and inspired by the Freedom Charter's declaration that "South Africa belongs to all who live in it", we will build a truly African home for all in our Hall.

Last Modified: Wed, 28 Oct 2015 14:20:05 SAST