
Rhodes>PRIMOR>People>Harilaos Tsikos

Prof. Harilaos “Hari” Tsikos (MSc, PhD)

Former head of PRIMOR


Hari is the creator and formal leader of PRIMOR since 2014. He received his MSc and PhD degrees in Economic Geology at Rhodes University, and has postdoctoral experience from the universities of Johannesburg, Oxford and Aberdeen. He has been a full-time academic staff in Geology at Rhodes University since 2006, carrying the portfolios of Economic Geology and Low-temperature Geochemistry. Hari conducts research in the broad field of the origin of chemical, biochemical and organic sediments, sedimentary rocks and associated ore deposits. His research emphasis is on the chemical and biological evolution of ancient oceans from the Precambrian to the Phanerozoic, as gleaned through the (bio-)chemical sedimentary record through time. To this end, Hari has engaged in a variety of methodologies and applications, ranging from mineral-chemical studies to novel stable isotope systematics and biomarker geochemistry. He has over 50 published papers in the peer-review literature and a broadly corresponding number of presentations at international conferences and symposia. To date, Hari has also supervised or co-supervised an appreciable number of graduate students to successful completion (20 MSc and 4 PhD) and is currently advising 6 MSc and 4 PhD students and 3 postdoctoral research fellows. He collaborates extensively with leading international scientists and research groups from the USA, the Netherlands, the UK, France, Germany, Norway and Australia.

Contact details

Cell: +27 (0)725131713


Last Modified: Wed, 24 Aug 2022 12:08:56 SAST