

Vice-Chancellor's Book Award


The University has instituted a “Vice-Chancellor’s Book Award” in order to recognize the publication of books that bring credit to the University.  Normally, no more than one award will be made each year in each category (either a current staff member or an author affiliated in a different way), and no award will be made if no book of sufficient merit is nominated.


The Vice-Chancellor’s Book Award Committee will consider for the award any book (including monographs, textbooks, novels, collections and popularizations) nominated by members of the University, or applied for by the author(s), which:

  • has been written or edited by a current member of staff at Rhodes University, or a student, postdoctoral fellow, or an author formally affiliated with the university at the time of writing the book and
  • is considered to bring credit to the University by reason of the contribution it makes to scholarly literature, education, science or arts,
  • has been published in the preceding four years (i.e. 2017 to 2020).

Nominations should set out the title of the book, the type of book (e.g. novel, textbook, etc.), the author or authors, the connection with Rhodes, a reference to, and copies of, any published reviews, and a motivation as to why the nominator feels the book should be considered for the award. A hard copy of the book is to be included with the application and will be returned to the applicant after the selection process. The motivation should contain details on:

  • the topicality of the relevant book for the particular field,
  • the evaluation of the book as reflected by the reviews of the book in local and international subject field journals or elsewhere,
  • the depth and impact of scholarship of the book in the relevant academic community,
  • the contribution to the book by the staff member under consideration for the award in the case of multi author books.

Nominators and applicants frequently wait a year after publication before submitting books for consideration to allow time for independent reviews to appear.

Value of Award

R40 000.00 or such other amount as may be determined by the University Council on the recommendation of the Book Award Committee. The total amount awarded will be subject to income tax even if transferred into a special research account.

CLosing Date

Nominations and applications must reach the office of the DVC: Research and Innovation ( by the last Friday in September.  The recipient of the award will be announced in December 2020.

Dr Peter Clayton
Deputy Vice-Chancellor: Research and Innovation 

22 April 2020

Last Modified: Wed, 14 Apr 2021 12:16:54 SAST