


SHECASA - the Safety Health and Environment Campus Association of South Africa - is a platform for SHE professionals working in tertiary institutions in South Africa to communicate and share ideas, expertise, knowledge and experience with regard to occupational safety, health and environmental matters.

SHECASA webpage


SHECASA's vision is to be the platform for sustainable relationships and standards of excellence in occupational health & safety and environmental management at Tertiary Education Institutions


Actively facilitate and promote networking and sharing of ideas, expertise, knowledge and experience towards excellence in SHE management by SHE practitioners at Tertiary Education Institutions


SHECASA exists primarily to:

  • Promote exchange of information on health & safety and environment between SHE Professionals working in Tertiary Institutions;

  • Promote excellence in the strategic planning, management, administration, operation and development of occupational health & safety and environmental management in Tertiary Institutions;

  • Provide forums for discussion, consultation and exchange of information on occupational health & safety and environmental management matters in Tertiary Institutions;

  • Optimise solutions to common problems and concerns by disseminating and harnessing particular expertise, experience and knowledge and promoting exchange of information on health & safety and environment between SHE Professionals working in national and international Tertiary Institutions.

SHECASA will further its objectives by:

  • Arranging conferences, meetings, lectures, discussions and other activities;

  • Promoting opportunities for development and training of members and their respective staff;

  • Providing for representations to educational authorities and government bodies for SHE Professionals working in Tertiary Institutions and ongoing liaison with National University Management Forums and structures, including the VC forum;

  • Liaising with external bodies having similar aims, including the Department of Labour and the Department of Education.

For more information, please visit the SHECASA webpage.

Last Modified: Thu, 01 Jun 2017 11:52:11 SAST