
Rhodes>Allan Webb>Functions>Hall Social Functions

Hall Social Functions

Hall Functions

Allan Webb holds a variety of Social Function at least once a term. The key to their success is the active involvement and participation of the students and the relevant House and Hall Committees.

Please consult the Hall Calendar for information concerning the specific dates and times of these functions.

Welcome Dinner

This is the dinner, traditionally held in the First Term, where the First Years and Returning Students are welcomed back to the Hall. The van Zyl Trophy, for the House who has the highest Academic Results for the previous year, is announced during this dinner.

Welcome Dinner

Dress is semi-formal, but please consult the relevant rules concerning formal Dinner in the Dining Hall.

Hall Braai


The Hall hosts a Braai, traditionally organised by Winchester during the first semester, and by Salisbury / Truro during the second semester of the year. Please visit the Photo Gallery to see pictures of the event.

Hall Ball

The Hall ball is arranged by the Hall Senior Student and is usually a themed dinner and dance in the Dining Hall. Please visit the Photo Gallery to see pictures of the event. The themes for some of the previous Balls are listed below:

  • 2009:
  • 2008: A Murder in Allan Webb!
  • 2007:
  • 2006:
  • 2005:
  • 2004: Pirates of the Carribean
  • 2003: Autumn Harvest Ball
  • 2002: Atlantis
  • 2001: The Secret Garden (cancelled due to low ticket sales)
  • 2000: Camelot

Dress is traditional / formal, but please consult the relevant rules concerning Formal Dinners in the Dining Hall.

Karaoke Evening

Karaoke Evening

This is one evening where everyone in the Hall joins together to sing their favourite music. Don't knock it until you've tried it! Please visit the Photo Gallery to see pictures of this event.

Garden Party

Garden Party

The Garden Party, traditionally organised by Canterbury House, is held on St Peter's Lawns where lunch is served. A very popular event and traditionally a wonderful opportunity to bring a blanket and picnic with your friends. Please visit the Photo Gallery to see pictures of the event.

Morning Tea with the Sisters of the Community of Resurrection

Morning Tea with Nuns

It has become a tradition to invite the Sisters of the Community of the Resurrection to a Morning Tea held in their honour during the year. You can read more about what role the Sisters of the Community of the Resurrection played in our Hall's History. Please visit? the Photo Gallery to see pictures of the event.

Last Modified: Fri, 15 Jul 2011 15:01:10 SAST