

Salisbury House


Salisbury House

Remember to also visit our Photo Gallery and look at our Formal Photographs.

Salisbury House, one of the original buildings, was the home of the sisters of the Community of the Resurrection

Salisbury House is one of the smallest residences on campus and is home to thirty young male undergraduates. It is located in the quietest and most picturesque corner of campus, opposite Truro House, and is bordered by the Makana Botanical Gardens on the one side, and the lawns of St Peter's Campus, with the Chapel of St Mary and all the Angels, on the other. This tranquil setting makes it the ideal environment for quiet reflection and serious study.

Salisbury House

Salisbury House is barely a two minute walk from the main campus and is right next to the Eden Grove Complex which is the site of the major lecture theatres on campus and the Student Bureau. Quite simply - it is ideally located. The residents of Salisbury are often seen playing touch-rugby or football in the evenings together on the lawns, and there is a highly contested internal Table-Tennis league throughout the year.

Contact Information
House Warden: Emmanuel Mgqwashu
Warden's Telephone Number: +27 (46) 603-8010 (after hours)
+27 (0)46 603 8698 (office hours)
Resident's Call Box Number: +27 (46) 622-9041 or +27 (46) 622-6121
The Key Roles and Responsibilities, Desirable Performance Factors and the Key Performance Indicators of individual House Committees are available here

Last Modified: Wed, 03 May 2017 16:24:53 SAST