
Rhodes>ISEA>People>MaDey'Andile Mbelani

Madey'Andile Mbelani (Prof.)

Deyi Mbelani

Director & Associate Professor
BA (Educ) (UNITRA), BEd Hons (UNISA), ACE (ELT), MEd (ELT), PhD (Rhodes)

MaDey’Andile Mbelani is an Associate Professor and Director of the Institute for the Study of Englishes of Africa (ISEA) at Rhodes University’s Faculty of Education. Before returning to the ISEA in February 2022, he was an Associate Professor, Head of the Language Education Department, and Project Manager for the Centre of African Language and Teaching at the University of the Western Cape. He has a rich and diverse teaching experience that started as a teacher at his Eastern Cape home district of Centane, at Walter Sisulu University, Rhodes University, and the University of the Western Cape. He believes that social justice and transformation should underpin teaching, learning, assessment, and research. His main research interests lie in teacher education, multilingualism, multiliteracies, critical literacy, textual analysis, and practice-based research methodologies. He has published in accredited journals, is a co-author of a book on early childhood literacy development, and has contributed chapters in three books. He holds two NRF awards, Sabbatical Grant in 2013 and Thuthuka Post-PhD award in 2015. With colleagues, he has organised the Eastern Cape English Educators’ Biennial Conference, LITASA, and Early Childhood Literacy Development Conference.


Last Modified: Wed, 03 Aug 2022 10:42:57 SAST